(Joint Replacement Surgery)

Bone Joint's function may get impaired with various kinds of arthritis or injury. Arthroplasty in simple words can be called as Joint Replacement Surgery, it is a surgical procedure to restore the function of a Joint. With this surgery, joint can be resurfaced, remoulded, or realigned and its normal function and movement can be restored. Sometimes artificial joints are also used for better surgical outcomes. Arthroplasty is considered as most common orthopedic procedure and since the inception of Adtoos Clinic, Dr. Milind Pimprikar and his team has performed over 1,000 successful Arthroplasty surgeries. Most common type of Arthroplasty procedures include:

Best Arthroplasty Surgeon Nashik | Dr. Pimprikar's Adtoos Clinics
You don't have to live with pain!
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