Knee Arthroplasty
(Knee Replacement Surgery)

There are many patients who experience severe knee pain, knee deformities, or have difficulty in moving around. Indian population has the highest prevalence of Knee pain amongst all other countries, and it is estimated that over 4 Crore Indians need Knee Replacement Surgery. Apart from injury, this problem can be seen commonly in old population due to ‘Osteoarthritis’. This is a degenerative disorder which causes loss of cartilage and friction of bones. This cartilage is made-up of soft tissues, and it usually act as cushion inside the joint and prevents friction of two bone ends, this friction cause pain, swelling and sometimes deformity.During a knee replacement surgery, the surgeon takes out damaged cartilage and resurface the bones and fixes an implant made-up of special metal along with a plastic disk to prevent the friction. Pain-free movement is the result of this surgery, and it improves overall quality of life.

At Adtoos Clinic, our team of highly skilled experts provides each patient with world-class treatment approach using minimally invasive techniques, Computer Navigation system, coupled with experience of thousands of successful surgeries. This ensures the precision in surgery, better pre & post-operative care, and best results. Knee Arthroplasty can be divided into two types:

- Total Knee Replacement Surgery

As the name suggests, Total Knee Replacement Surgery, most of the times abbreviated as TKR Surgery is replacing the Knee Joint with an artificial one. Knee Replacement surgery is most common in Osteoarthritis patients. In this surgery, both the Tibia and Femur is resurfaced, and the cartilage is removed. Metal caps are placed at these resurfaced area and plastic disc is placed in between and keeping the Patella is intact.

At Adtoos Clinic, Knee Joint Replacement Surgery is performed with Subvastous Approach. No Muscle is cut while performing this surgery, this technique helps in restoring the strength of the knee and result in better stability and motion.

- Partial Knee Replacement Surgery

This surgery is more conservative approach of a Knee Replacement Surgery. In this surgery, only the diseased part of Knee joint is removed and resurfaced, and implant is placed. As this does not involves whole joint, non-affected portion of the knee joint can be preserved.

This procedure requires high skills and customised implants, which Adtoos Clinics is always competent to provide to the patients with customised implants and individual centric approach.

Best Knee Replacement Surgeon in Nashik | Total Knee Replacement Surgeryin Nashik - Dr. Pimprikar's Adtoos Clinics
You don't have to live with pain!
If you Have Any Questions or want to make an appointment Please contact us.
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